Public Procurement
Workshops and social clauses
Public Procurement
The social clauses of public contracts pursue an objective of training, integration or integration of job seekers, apprentices, trainees or people with disabilities. They also favor companies employing permanent and experienced staff.
Les Ateliers de Tertre can meet three types of social clauses
3 types of social clauses
The clause reserving access to the procurement procedure for ETAs
Les Ateliers de Tertre is your partner!
Vous pouvez choisir de réserver l’accès à la procédure de passation d’un marché public ou d’une partie de celui-ci à une ETA ou tout opérateur économique dont l’objectif est l’intégration sociale de personnes en situation de handicap ou de personnes défavorisées. Il en découle que seules les ETA ou ce type d’entreprise peuvent déposer une offre pour le marché ou pour les lots réservés.
Les Ateliers deTertre are your partner!
The reservation clause of the execution in the framework of protected employment programs
You also have the possibility to reserve the execution of a public contract or a part of it to an ETA within the framework of a protected employment program. In this case, any company can submit a bid for your contract, but all or part of the contract must be performed by a company recognized by the competent authority, of which at least 30% of the staff are disabled or disadvantaged workers.
Les Ateliers de Tertre meets these conditions.
We are approved by the Walloon Region via the AViQ and have, among other conditions of approval, at least 70% of their staff members with disabilities.
La réservation de marché peut se faire quel que soit le montant du marché.
Les Ateliers de Tertre is your partner!
For construction contracts, our class 1 certification will allow us to easily respond to contracts up to 135,000€ excluding VAT. For our metalworking sector, we are even class 2 certified!
Our skills in works being very diversified, it is possible to maximize the reservation on several work lots. So think of allotting your contracts!
For service contracts, there is no theoretical limit to the reservation.
Flexible social clauses
In addition to these market reservation clauses, for public works contracts, there are flexible social clauses for which the Ateliers de Tertre can be your partners! [or can support you!]
The flexible social clauses make it possible to require the winning company to carry out, within the framework of the execution of the contract: either vocational training actions for job seekers or learners, or a socio-professional integration effort during the execution of the worksite by subcontracting part of the contract to a social integration economy company (to which the Ateliers de Tertre belongs), or a combination of the two

- Don't forget... In the administrations
Les Ateliers de Tertre can also help you meet your employment quota for people with disabilities!
Public Institutions, Municipalities, Provinces and Federal Institutions
Respecter les quotas et montrer vos valeurs
Public institutions (municipalities, provinces, administrations, ...) are indeed subject to the respect of a quota for the hiring of persons with disabilities.
By calling on Les Ateliers de Tertre, you not only demonstrate your administration's values of inclusion, but you also partially fulfill your legal obligation to employ people with disabilities!
Indeed, even if these quotas may differ according to the regions, all the regulations agree on the fact that the use of adapted work companies can be valued since it is an indirect way of putting people with disabilities into employment.
For the Communes, Provinces, CPAS and Public Services Associations of the Walloon Region: The decree of February 7, 2013 sets the employment quota for people with disabilities at 2.5% with 50% of the obligation that can be met via public contracts entrusted to ETAs.
For federal institutions: The decree of March 5, 2007 and the law of September 3, 2017 sets the quota at 3%, of which 1/3 of the obligation can be met via public contracts entrusted to ETAs.